Plain Radical (Buch von 2015)



Robert Jensen: Plain Radical. Living, Loving, and Learning to Leave the Planet Gracefully. Counterpoint, 2015.

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Plain Radical is a touching homage to a close friend and mentor, the late Jim Koplin. It is also an exploration of the ways in which an intensely local focus paired with a fierce intelligence can provide a deep, meaningful, even radical engagement with the world. Drawing on first-hand accounts as well as the nearly 3,000 pages of correspondence that flowed between the two men, this book is part love story, part intellectual memoir, and part political polemic—an argument for how we should understand problems and think about solutions to create a decent human future.


Absoluter Lesebefehl. Ich lese es 10 Jahre nach Erscheinen und würde mir so wünschen, dass ich früher drüber gestolpert wäre.