Eye of the Storm (Buch von 2023)


Terry LePage: Eye of the Storm. Facing climate and social chaos with calm and courage. Open Door Communication, 2023.

Printed by BoD in Norderstedt, Germany


When things fall apart, you don't have to

Calm is contagious. And courage is contagious. The tools in this book can help you to find calm, purpose, and even joy in hard times. Climate chaos is accelerating, democracy is in peril, species and ecosystems are disappearing, and economic inequality is soaring. These are interconnected parts of a complex and devastating predicament. But you need not respond with denial or despair. You can be the eye of the storm, calm and centered, living your values despite an uncertain future, and helping others to do the same.

Eye of the Storm offers resources and stories from people around the globe that will build your practical and emotional skills to face whatever comes. Engaging and insightful essays, interviews, and reflections invite you to reorient your ideas of what matters, give you perspectives to face fear and loss with courage, and inspire you to live creatively and compassionately in hard times.