Michael Dowd
- ~ vertritt Post-doom
- ~ vertritt Kollapsakzeptanz
- ~ vertritt Love-in-action
- ~ verfasste Thank God for Evolution
Michael Dowd, 19. November 1958 – 7. Oktober 2023
Any human being exists only as a member of the wider community of life, air, water, and soil. We have no existence apart from the earth. We are the earth. What we do to the earth, we do to ourselves.
The biosphere is a greater Thou, not a lesser it.
My take is that beliefs are not for mapping reality, beliefs are for molding behavior. So I have a number of beliefs that I don't hold as necessarily ontologically true, but I do hold as profoundly useful. You touched the one earlier: the idea that we were chosen by the universe (or that we chose ourselves) to be alive at this time. Who the hell knows whether that's true or not? But it's a really useful belief, it's yummy, and it helps me live a better life if I have this sense that I was made for these times, that the universe in some sense chose me, or that I chose myself to be born at this time. [Chamberlin: As long as it's held with humility.] Exactly! (Quelle: Post-doom conversation mit Shaun Chamberlin, ca. 1:02:30)
Empfehlung: Seine letzte Predigt (vom 13. August 2023)
Weitere Auftritte:
- State of Emergence Folge 47
Wir trauern um Michael Dowd, der uns am 7. Oktober 2023 verlassen hat. Lesenswert: Tribute