Paul Kingsnorth



Mitbegründer der Dark-Mountain-Bewegung und Mitautor des Gründungsmanifests, zusammen mit Dougald Hine. Außerdem Autor von Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist.

Kingsnorth ist erheblich kontroverser als Hine (zu seinem Nachteil). Siehe zum Beispiel diesen Beitrag darüber, dass Kingsnorth sich spätestens im Frühjahr 2020 zum Proto- oder gar Kryptofaschisten entwickelt hat, Zitate:

And this is how a Green anarchist becomes a transphobic proto-fascist. It happens when culture (specifically your culture) and nature become conflated in your mind. It happens when nature stops being something outside your door and becomes something inside your head, when it stops being the living present and becomes a romanticized past. It happens when an idealized culture becomes more real for you than the experience of flesh and blood people–especially people who are different from you. From there it’s not a long way to imagining “natural” categories and social hierarchies which must be reinforced with the power of the state–the definition of fascism.

The key to resisting the seduction of both capitalist levelling and fascism is, I believe, not to retreat into a transcendent world as Kingsnorth urges us, but to keep coming back to the things we can actually touch: To the literal ground that we walk on. Not some romanticized “land”, but the literal soil. To the living, flesh and blood people who we share that land with. Not some idealized “people” or “folk” or “blood”, but real people we share our places with. And to genuine relationships with those people. Not some abstract “culture”, but real lived life with those others.

Aber auch Kingsnorth schreibt gelegentlich anregende Beiträge, die mit einer Prise Salz zu nehmen sind: